At 56 years old, I want to play a melody. What instrument would be easiest to get started on? I am thinking soprano sax, what do you think?

Los Angeles saxophone lessons in Burbank ca with Rick Rossi

I think that saxophone is a great choice and it would seem logical that the smaller of the saxes would be easier, but it’s not true. From teaching experience, I’ve learned that soprano is much harder to learn on for beginners than the alto saxophone, so the alto is what I would recommend as your first saxophone.

After you learn the alto, it would be much easier for you to switch to the soprano. All of the saxophones are easy to move from one to another and in many ways saxophones are easier to play at an amateur level than clarinet and flute. The reason I say amateur level is because it’s my opinion that ALL instruments are hard to play at an advanced level including the saxophone, but the saxophone is easier to play at a respectable level more quickly than the others.

Take a look at what many of my students can do in 4 months. They are not only playing melodies but also improvising melodies. If you can find a good teacher in your area or online you should be able to learn the saxophone at a level where you can start to sound respectable with it within 6 months especially since you’ve already been playing music as a drummer.

Check out some of these students. These are complete beginners and I show their progress.

Here’s a couple of beginner students who started the instrument closer to your age. This one is a elementary school teacher, never played saxophone in his life.

This last one had played clarinet as a kid and wanted to play saxophone in his retirement. This is him on sax improvising after only 7 lessons.

Ask around your area to find the best teacher. If you try to learn online from free videos it’s going to take you a lot longer. Pay for some good foundational lessons from a well known teacher who is known for being able to teach beginners. It will make all the difference in your progress and enjoyment.